Monday, August 07, 2006

What is important about worship?

My blog on Spiritual Formation is now back in action and will be used specifically for comments to my responses to the Mentoring Guide that I will be developing as part of my Thesis.

I am currently doing my Thesis study on Spiritual Formation through Worship Leading and would very much appreciate your input into this whole process. No worries, you don't have to come up with anything "profound" or something that even sound remotely great! I'm looking for honest, down to earth kinds of responses to what worship is all about.

On this Blog, at least during the research and implementation of my Thesis/Project I will ask some questions or post material that I think is significant to worship. Please, please take a moment to comment or ask questions.

Here goes!

What do you think is the most important thing about worship?

Remember, I'm not looking for researched answers or responses - just what you are thinking!