Monday, August 07, 2006

What is important about worship?

My blog on Spiritual Formation is now back in action and will be used specifically for comments to my responses to the Mentoring Guide that I will be developing as part of my Thesis.

I am currently doing my Thesis study on Spiritual Formation through Worship Leading and would very much appreciate your input into this whole process. No worries, you don't have to come up with anything "profound" or something that even sound remotely great! I'm looking for honest, down to earth kinds of responses to what worship is all about.

On this Blog, at least during the research and implementation of my Thesis/Project I will ask some questions or post material that I think is significant to worship. Please, please take a moment to comment or ask questions.

Here goes!

What do you think is the most important thing about worship?

Remember, I'm not looking for researched answers or responses - just what you are thinking!


At 6:10 AM, Blogger Dennis Alan Gray said...

For me the most inportant thing in worship is attitude. Worship is by definition an expression of one's feelings towards the object of worship, a reflection of the esteem we hold for God. Too often, I think, people regard worship simply as an act to be performed. We love God, but do we truly worship Him?

Part of the problem is we can easily relate to God as "Father", but have a much harder time relating to God as "Supreme Being." Father is much easier for us to handle, much closer to our own level. To truly acknowledge God as our King and Sovereign, the Creator of all things, requires a much greater level of humility and self-denial, something many of us are reluctant to engage in.

At 10:59 PM, Blogger alexander K. said...

To me, the most important thing about worship is personally or corporately doing things (whatever they are), and realising that God is intimately experiencing and enjoying them. I like to imagine God securing a vantage point somewhere in the atmosphere and smiling as I/we worship Him!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Mary van Maaren said...

To me, worship is my intimate expression of Love and Adoration to Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It
doesn't just entail music, it evolves around everything I do in life. It often comes as a sacrifice when I don't feel like it...but since however I feel doesn't change who He is and what He's like He deserves worship at any time of day.
In worship I declare that I don't want to focus on me, but on Him, His goodness, His person, His character.
I think that's why He loves to live in the praises and worship of His people.
So to me, the most important thing about worship is, that our hearts are fully directed to Him in adoration and awe.


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